Ron Carney
Ron has been involved with photography for many years becoming a professional five years ago. He literally grew up with it as his father has been a nature photographer since his childhood. Ron has studied outdoor photography at length completing workshop studies such as The Rocky Mountain School of Photography. Ron considers himself a perfectionist at capturing the timeless images of nature. The satisfaction shown in the eyes of his clients is a proven measure of Ron’s professionalism and he values his client base as his greatest marketing asset.
Awarded First Place in Arts & Photography – North
Carolina State Fair - 2004
Awarded 2006 Gosport Arts Festival Purchase Award
Featured Artist in “Ongoing Adventures of Triangle
Seniors”, published in The Raleigh News & Observer
His work is featured in NC Boating Lifestyles
Featured Artist at Halle Cultural Arts Center, Apex,
North Carolina
Accepted to multiple Fine Art Shows including:
Letchworth Art Show, Upstate NY – Gosport Arts
Festival, Portsmouth, Va., Lazy Daze Festival, Cary
North Carolina, The Corn Hill Arts Festival, Rochester,
New York, just to name a few.